Follow these steps to complete a standard zInspector 3 inspection.
- Tap on an area name to expand it.
- Tap on a condition value for each detail:
- New, Satisfactory, or Damaged.
- Tap and hold any condition value for alternate condition options.
- Excellent
- Satisfactory & Clean, Fair, or Poor
- Damaged and Needs Attention or Damaged and Needs Re-Hab
- Tap the ! value for any detail to additionally specify an Action.
- Tap the camera icon for any detail to take a photo or video.
- Tap any detail name to add a comment.
- Repeat, as needed, to complete all areas.
- After completing all areas, tap Preview.
- Scroll down and tap to add a Signature.
- Tap Submit or Submit/Email as needed.
Pro Tips:
Tap an area header checkbox to apply the same condition to all its details at once. Tap and hold to apply an alternate condition.
Tap the X button for any area to mark it as Not Inspected. Tap the X button for any detail to mark it as Not Present.**
**Marking an area or detail as Not Inspected or Not Present counts as inspection progress and does not prevent completion or submission.
Tap and hold the camera icon for any area or detail to view the previous inspection’s photos for that area or detail (if available).
Tap Compare: On/Off to view or hide the last inspection’s findings for reference only (if available).
Tap and hold Compare: On/Off to actually apply the last inspection’s findings to the current inspection (if available).
Inspection Hints:
An inspection can proceed to preview, signature, and submission only when all areas are complete. When an area is complete, its name turns green.
To complete an area, provide: 1) a condition for each detail and 2) any required documentation for specific conditions, such as a photo and/or comment for Damaged (D) and/or Action (!) items.*
– A red camera icon indicates a photo is required for that detail.
– A red detail name indicates a comment is required for that detail.
*Default documentation requirements can be changed.
Note: Your template options and functionality may differ as a result of account-specific customization. Check with your Admin or contact us.
Need more details and specifics on inspections? See this article.