Create a New Property
Once you create an account and download the app, you can add properties.
To get started, we recommend that you add a new property and define the Areas in it.
Create a Test Property on the app or website.
In the app:
- Tap Property/Unit then tap +New (bottom of screen) and select one of the following:
- Manual, 1X1 Areas, Quick Ext. Only – single area, great for a repair tech/handyman.
- Single Family — for a single family or duplex property.
- Multi-Unit — for a multi-unit building such as apartments or condos.
- Add areas (tap +New) or remove areas (tap the trashcan icon).
- Enter a Description for multiple rooms of a type (bedrooms & bathrooms) to avoid confusion.
- Change the inspection order (hold and drag an area up or down).
- When satisfied, tap Proceed.
- Review and tap Save.
- Tap Property/Unit then tap +New (bottom of screen) and select one of the following:
On the website:
- Click on Properties and select Properties from the dropdown menu.
- Click on the +New button and select one of the following from the dropdown menu:
- Property/Unit — for a single family or duplex property.
- Multi-Unit Property — for a multi-unit building such as apartments or condos.
- Enter the required (and optional) information.
- Click +Create to create the property with default areas.
- -OR- Click Add Areas to customize areas for the property.
- Enter a Description for multiple rooms of a type (bedrooms & bathrooms) to avoid confusion.
- Change the inspection order (edit the Area Group numbers or click the up/down arrow).
- When satisfied, click Create.
Defining Area Details
- The Details within each Area are the inspectable elements such as Door, Flooring, Light Fixture, Switch/Outlet, and Wall/Ceiling.
- When adding areas to a new property, the default details for those area types will populate based on the current settings on the Edit Area Details page. To remove an area detail from a specific property, during an inspection of the property simply tap on the X to the left of that detail’s row to mark it as NOT PRESENT.
Property Creation Tips
- If you work in many different cities and do not visit the same properties often, use the complete property address as the Property Name to avoid confusion.
- If you associate Account Numbers or other information with properties in your property software, include this in the Property Name to make it searchable.
- Otherwise, try to keep property names short. The Property addresses field(s) will contain the full address; in the Property Name, abbreviations tend to work well.
- If you are using the Task Manager and wish to schedule a task for a property not yet in your zInspector portfolio, you can create a new property with one click.
- Properties can be very detailed or not. A property manager will want to create detailed properties to ensure they are fully inspected, whereas a service vendor may create a simple single-area property focused on a specific job.